Pinterest and How Journalists Utilize the Platform

Shivani Parmar
2 min readMay 5, 2021


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

News organizations utilize plenty of social media platforms, but one platform that slips many people’s minds is Pinterest.

When people hear the reference of Pinterest, they instantly think of recipes and crafts, not news, but what people often forget is that most news outlets have life and art stories as well.

Although this may be the case for some stories Pinterest is not the top platform for news digestion. According to Statistica, in 2021, only eight percent of U.S Pinterest users use this platform to be informed about the news.

For instance, these news outlets can create or share content based on what is trending by creating boards on this platform to feature such articles. This gives the outlet a chance to recycle old content and bring life back into the piece.

“Too often, quality content gets lost on news sites. Pinterest gives journalists a way to extend its shelf life.” Said writer for Poynter, Mallary Jean Tenore, in her article ‘5 ways journalists are using Pinterest’.

Another reason news outlets operate on this platform is because they can reach a contrasting audience. It is a female-dominating platform, so if that is the projected market a journalist is aiming for then that is where they should be promoting stories

“Pinterest is used by more than one in five American women on the Internet. From food and fitness to technology and humor, women are pinning all types of content on Pinterest.” said a writer for Z-Comm, Jennifer Edelman, in her article ‘5 Reasons Why & 5 Ways How to Use Pinterest’.

Top five ways to use Pinterest as a journalist:

  • Upload content that is trending
  • Recycle old stories if it deems important again
  • Make sure that there is an audience already for the idea you want to upload
  • Understand the market that dominates the platform
  • Create a clear focus on what you plan to post



Shivani Parmar

broadcast journalism student at The University of Houston, reporter and showrunner on CoogTV, news writer for The Cougar, and former reporter for NTV Houston.